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Policy Framework and National Action Plans for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism was adopted and approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria in August 2017.

This policy framework and Action Plan is in tandem with international standards and most especially with the recommendations from the United Nations Security Council resolutions on counter terrorism and African Union’s Plan of Action for preventing and countering violent extremism.

The federal government of Nigeria presents the approved Policy Framework and National Action plan as consultative process involving Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well as Non-Governmental, Labour, Media, Academic, Faith Based, Youth and Women Organization who voluntarily provided time and insight during the formulation and drafting process. The Policy Framework and Nation Action Plan should be complementary, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach for addressing threats posed by violent extremist groups.

The PFNAP seeks to build capacity, improve coordination, strengthen the justice system and by integrating strategic communication, provide alternative narratives to violent extremism. It strives to strengthen ongoing efforts in the handling of persons associated with violent extremism such as the Operations SAFE CORRIDOR, the Nigeria Prison De-radicalisation Programme, collaboration with Civil Society in community engagement and resilience building, strategic communication activities and effective prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremist offenders. It will also ensure that Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism 

is institutionalized and mainstreamed into mandates of Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Governments, including at States and Local Levels. Our main goal is to partner for safer and resilient communities that are less vulnerable to violent extremism and that can recover from the consequence of violence. Through peace, security and development initiatives and adherence to our core national values, cultures, traditions and networks; we are committed to working to deny violent extremists like Boko Haram the ability to recruit. We shall also ensure that they do not divide us and use grievances in our communities to their advantage.

The Office of the National Security Adviser is given the mandate, through the Counter Terrorism Centre, to provide strategic coordination and synergy of efforts towards the successful implementation of this effort in preventing and countering violent extremism. Fundamentally, the PCVE PFNAP is a whole-of- Government and a whole-of-society approach which includes the active participation of line Ministries, Departments and Agencies, as well as critical stakeholders from the different sectors of the civil society such as religious actors, youth, teachers, women, and community-based organisations.

It provides a National Plan of Action at Federal, State and Local Government levels to ensure the delivery of targeted intervention that are both PCVE-relevant and PCVE-specific. Providing the tools and capacity to undertake these tasks is central to implementation. In working with partners, building trust is key to achieving our objectives. It is therefore believed that with this inclusiveness, there will be strong partnerships and effective collaboration to ensure uncompromising efforts to neutralize the tragic threats posed by violent extremism in Nigeria.

The Core Objectives

  • Institutionalize, Mainstream and Coordinate PCVE programmes at national, state and local levels
  • Strengthen accessible justice system and respect for human rights and rule of laws
  • Enhance capacity of individuals/communities to prevent and counter violent extremism; and recover from violent occurrences
  • Institutionalize, Mainstream and Integrate strategic communication in PCVE

Core Constituencies for Partnering For Safer And Resilient Communties

The following core constituencies are set in motion as guiding principles and partnering for safer and resilient communities in order to make the process of implementing the PFNAP/PCVE an inclusive one by taking the inputs of stakeholders from these core constituencies paramount. They are:

  • Artists and Social Mobilizers
  • Political Leaders
  • Private Sector (and Markets)
  • Policing
  • Civil Military Relations.
  • Youth and Students,
  • Women and Girls
  • Families
  • School and Teachers
  • Community Leaders
  • Faith Based Organizations and Leaders
  • Health and Social Workers
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Media and Social Media Influencers
  • Artists and Social Mobilizers
  • Political Leaders
  • Private Sector (and Markets)
  • Policing
  • Civil Military Relations.

Programmatic Intervention Areas

Overview of the intervention areas:

Intervention programming: Targeting at-risk audiences to prevent radicalization.

Prevention programming: Reducing the appeal of violent extremism and building resilience.

Rehabilitation programming: Targeting individuals radicalized to violence at different stages.

Reintegration programming: Ensuring the successful return of disengaged individuals.

Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, and Resettlement Programming: Targeting survivors and impacted communities.

Strategic Communications: Developing and disseminating narratives countering VE narratives

National Action Plan

As a complementary, whole-of Government and whole-of-society approach, this action plan was developed through a consultative and multi-stakeholder process that involved Government and non-governmental actors, including from the States through counter terrorism focal points. This approach will be sustained through implementation by putting in place a clear coordination mechanism, roles and responsibilities that achieve key priorities within defined timelines. Research, measurement and consistent programme development will be undertaken at intervals for effective delivery of set objectives.

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