...breaking barriers, building bridges

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) also carried out some interventions for preventing and countering violent extremism in Kastina state and Benue States, in the North-Central region of Nigeria between 2016 and 2021.

Women Environmental Programme (WEP) also carried out some interventions for preventing and countering violent extremism in Kastina state and Benue States, in the North-Central region of Nigeria between 2016 and 2021.

The projects focused on strengthening advocacy against violent extremism (SAVE) and connecting women and youth in violent extremist prone areas through empwerment and skills acquisition in Kastina state and Benue State respectfully. WEP also employed the Policy Framework and National Action Plan(PFNAP/PCVE)’ objectives and guidelines in the implementations of the intervention projects.

The intervention targeted the following populations

  • Un-or Under-employed youth (18 to 35 years old, young women and young men who are unemployed or under-employed in the communities of intervention).
  • Religious, Tribal and Community Leaders
  • Governance Actors

According to WEP, “the project which is being implemented under a consortium  approach in partnership with Murna Foundation seeks to strengthen the existing structures of the communities, facilitate resolution of disputes within and between communities, raise awareness against violent extremism, and enhance skills of women and youth for improved livelihoods to prevent recruitment and radicalization of young men and young women as well as reduce food insecurity among target community members through Climate Smart Agriculture Practices. The consortium seeks to achieve this through collaborations with relevant organizations and institutions such as security agencies, civil society organizations, communities, private sector and government agencies.

The consortium will facilitate a boost in economic conditions and activities of the communities in order to create conditions that will reduce the vulnerability of young people which has often led to them succumbing to extremist ideologies resulting in their participation in and perpetration of acts of violence. Communities will be supported to implement community-driven initiatives that promote peace and security in the target communities”.